By John Dempsey, WLS News
The head of the Republicans in the Illinois Senate is telling WLS her party is open to an income tax increase, but only if Illinois Government is reformed. Lemont State Senator Christine Radogno told “The Big John Howell Show” on WLS, that reforms must come before revenue. “I think that people might be open to that but certainly not if there’s no reform to put the brakes on spending. That’s the only way extra money is going to solve the problem, and Democrats are absolutely uninterested in that” Radogno said.
LISTEN to State Senator Christine Radogno on “The ‘Big’ John Howell Show” here.
The majority Democrats in the Illinois House and Senate are advancing a $36.3 billion dollar budget that Republicans say has a three billion dollar deficit. Democrats have voted down a series of measures that they say represent budget cuts Republican Governor Bruce Rauner wants to make. Republicans say those votes are a sham and are designed not to give the measures a fair hearing, but to score political points. Rauner has said Illinois needs structural reform in areas such as workers compensation, limiting large jury awards in civil lawsuits, and giving local communities the right to limit unions.
It appears the legislature will miss Sunday’s deadline to adjourn it’s spring session, which means a long summer overtime session is likely.
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