By John Dempsey, WLS-AM 890 News
(CHICAGO) How many teenage boys did Dennis Hastert sexually abuse? One of his victims says the number may be as high as nine.
Scott Cross told Politico’s Natasha Korecki he has personally confirmed that the former U.S. Speaker of the House abused nine boys when he was the Yorkville High School wrestling coach in the 60’s and 70’s, not five as court records have suggested.
Cross is the brother of Hastert’s one time political protege Tom Cross, the former Illinois House Republican leader who stepped down from the legislature two years ago in a losing bid for State Treasurer.
Scott Cross delivered dramatic, emotional testimony before U.S. Judge Thomas Durkin on Wednesday, telling the court that Hastert sexually abused him when Cross was a star wrestler for Yorkville High in the late 70’s.
Scott Cross also told Politico that Hastert, “….has his bed to lie in. His time will come; the maker’s got his number.”
Judge Durkin gave Hastert a 15 month prison term and fined him $250,000, calling Hastert a “serial child molester.”
Because the statute of limitations has run out on the child abuse allegations, Durkin could only sentence Hastert for banking law violations, for failing to report withdrawals he made to pay another victim, known in court papers as “Individual A.”
Individual A has filed a breach of contract lawsuit against Hastert, for failing to pay all of the money they agreed upon, as compensation for Hastert’s past abuse.
During a hearing on the suit Thursday, Kendall County Judge Robert Pilmer ruled the suit can go forward, but told Individual A’s attorney the man may have to eventually disclose his identity, something the man does not want to do at this point.
The next hearing in the case is July 25th.
Read the Politico story here..
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