By Bill Cameron
(SPRINGFIELD) At today’s Illinois House hearing into sexual harassment in Springfield, State Senator Ira Silverstein (D-Chicago) was accused of being a harasser.
Denise Rotheimer testified that Sen. Silverstein harassed her in 2015 and 16 during her lobbying for some legislation for crime victims.
She said he used his “power” to play “mind games” with her, adding “It dumbfounds me to think that any person thinks a woman wants to be told she’s intoxicating especially if you’re a married man. Intimidating. You look like a movie star. I like having meetings with you cause you’re pretty to look at. I have 400 pages of Facebook messages from the time Silverstein started this invasion of my space. And I submitted it as evidence. He would Facebook me at midnight, call me at midnight.”
When WLS reached out to Sen. Silverstein, defended himself off-the-record but he chose his on-the-record response to be that he’ll “await the findings of the Ethics Commission.”
@ 2017 WLS-AM News