Coalition wants GOP to ditch abortion exceptions for rape, incest

Male leaders voting to enact some of the most restrictive abortion bills in the country have come under fire for being male. Now, a young GOP female is speaking out.

According to Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, “I think it’s time to start having the conversation. There is a fear in the Republican Party about talking about rape at all… but I don’t think it’s something we should be afraid of.”

Hawkins’ group is among a coalition of Republicans who’ve sent a joint letter to party Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel.

According to a draft of the letter, given to NPR by Students for Life, the coalition wants the broader Republican Party to reconsider long held exceptions for abortion – such as rape, incest, and risk to the life of the mother writing, “it is our view that the value of human life is not determined by the circumstances of one’s conception or birth.”

