Country’s Largest Grocery Store Chain Puts the Kibosh on Plastic Bags

The country’s largest grocery store chain is doing away with plastic bags.

The Cincinnati-based Kroger, which operates 2,779 stores in 35 states, has announced it expects to completely phase out the use of plastic bags by 2025. It’s kicking off the project at its QFC chain in Seattle, which is expected to be plastic bag-free by next year. Kroger operates two dozen different chains in the U.S., serving approximately nine million customers every day. It currently goes through about six million bags per year.

The grocery giant is the latest U.S. company to announce a shift away from plastic. McDonald’s, Starbucks, Disney, Ikea, Hyatt and Marriott are among those doing away with plastic straws, while Dunkin’ Donuts is phasing out polystyrene foam cups.

