DNC Raises The Bar For Primary Debates

There are more than two dozen Democrats running for president in 2020, which would make for a crowded stage when the primary debates begin.

That’s why the Democratic National Committee announced changes to its criteria on Wednesday, raising the bar for candidates to qualify beginning with the third scheduled debate in September.

Under the new system, a candidate must get at least 2 percent support in four or more polls to qualify. They must also raise money from at least 130,000 individual donors, including at least 400 donors in 20 different states.

The new restrictions will go into effect for the third debate, scheduled for Sep. 12th. The first Democratic debate will be held next month on June 26-27.

Source: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/abc-news-host-3rd-democratic-primary-debate-september/story?id=63255677
