70-Year-Old Florida Man Arrested for Impregnating 13-Year-Old Girl

A 13-year-old Florida girl who went to the hospital for constipation issues learned she was actually pregnant — and then police learned the father of the baby is a 70-year-old man.

Boca Raton resident Renaud Jerome was arrested after the girl, who’s 14 weeks along, told sheriff’s deputies he “would touch her and have sex with her,” according to Jerome’s arrest report. Deputies say the two live in the same home, but it’s not clear whether they’re related to each other.

According to the report, the 70-year-old admitted to having sex with the girl on three occasions. He also told investigators the girl “was interested in him more than he was interested in her and never forced her to do anything.” He’s facing three counts of sexual activity with a child and one count of impregnating a child.

Source: https://thegrio.com/2019/05/30/florida-man-impregnates-girl/
