Man Throws New Wife From 7th Floor of Parking Garage After Cardinals Game

A St. Louis man has been charged with murder after he allegedly threw his wife from an upper level of a parking garage following a Cardinals game.

Bradley Jenkins, 30, was found covered in blood, straddling 27-year-old Allissa Martin’s body when police arrived Saturday night. Martin’s cell phone, found in “record” mode nearby, told the story of what had happened, according to the police report: Martin, pointing the camera at Jenkins, can be heard telling him to stop punching her face. At one point, she drops the phone, and a commotion can be heard. Martin then screams as she falls from the seventh floor and can be heard striking the ground when she lands, police say.

Jenkins, who’d been married to Martin since May 22nd, is being held on a $100,000 bond.

