92-year-old paratrooper relives D-Day drop

“I feel great. I’d go up and do it all again,” FOX News reports a 92-year-old D-Day veteran said after parachuting from a C-47 Wednesday.

The jump commemorated those those who dropped over Normandy amid gunfire 75 years earlier on June 6, 1944.

Tom Rice, a US Army 101st Airborne Division paratrooper veteran and his modern day group descended upon fields of wildflowers near Carentan, just as men did in then occupied France the day before D-Day.

Rice jumped with an American flag. Others carried World War II artifacts, including some carried by their own grandfathers in the war.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/world/d-day-veteran-97-parachutes-into-normandy-75-years-later
