Prescription Drugs Have Risen 5 Times the Rate of Inflation in 2019

While pharmaceutical companies are often criticized for overpricing medicine, a new study reveals the problem is worse than many people thought. In the first six months of 2019, the costs of more than 3,400 drugs have risen an average of 10.5 percent — five times the rate of inflation.

While the 10.5 percent jump is an average, it should be noted the out-of-pocket expenses for 41 drugs have gone up more than 100 percent, according to an analysis by Rx Savings Solutions. Even more alarmingly, the cost of fluoxetine — more commonly known as Prozac — has increased a jaw-dropping 879 percent since the beginning of the year.

Other drugs that have spiked in price include the steroid cream Mometasone, which rose 381 percent; the cough medicine Promethazine, which jumped 326 percent; and the ADHD drug Guanfacine, which climbed 118 percent, the study reveals.

