22nd victim dies in El Paso attack

The death toll from the El Paso attack has risen after hospital officials said a 22nd victim has died. Nearly two dozen others were injured as the 21-year-old opened fire at a Walmart Saturday.

Police are combing through an apparent political manifesto believed to be written by the gunman and published just minutes before the shooting.

The manifesto contains a mix of political-tinged rhetoric – mirroring language that some politicians and activists have accused the White House of using amid the migrant crisis while also toeing the left’s stance on climate change.

“My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president,” the document says, the New York Times reports.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/us/el-paso-shooting-fatalities-now-at-21-after-victim-dies-at-hospital-monday-morning-police-say
