Japan, Venezuela, And Uruguay Issue Warnings To Citizens About Traveling To The US

In the wake of two recent mass shootings, which claimed the lives of more than 30 people over the weekend, several nations are now cautioning its citizens against traveling to the United States.

On Monday, Uruguay’s Foreign Ministry advised visitors to avoid “theme parks, shopping centers, festivals, religious events, gastronomic fairs and any kind of cultural or sporting events,” saying law enforcement is unable to stop the violence. Venezuela also released a similar warning.

Calling America “a gun society,” the Japanese Consul put out a statement on Sunday night saying citizens “should be aware of the potential for gunfire incidents everywhere in the United States”.

Following previous shootings, France, New Zealand, and Germany have also told travelers to be on guard while visiting the US.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/06/americas/venezuela-uruguay-travel-warnings-us/index.html
