Seventy Four-Cent Tipper Might Sue State Senator Who Shamed Him Online

When Anthony Dierolf and his wife left a 74 cent tip for a New Jersey waitress, who they said gave them bad service, Senator O’Scanlon took to Twitter to call them out.

Dierolf says him and his wife sat for up to 15 minutes before being served, they weren’t attended to throughout their meal so when he tipped, he rounded the $119.26 bill to the nearest dollar with the 74 cent tip.

Senator O’Scanlon tweeted Dierolf’s receipt, which included his debit card information, and commented, “Wow…have to work to qualify for my calling you out specifically as a jerk. But Anthony Dierlof qualifies…” Dierolf is seeking to sue the senator for his public comments.

Ironically, O’Scanlon was one of 14 Republican senators that voted against raising New Jersey’s minimum wage to $15 by 2027 saying “This law will have disastrous consequences for our business community and minimum wage workers, it simply goes too far too fast.”

