Would-be Muggers Get A**es Handed to them by Female Boxer

Some advice for all the up-and-coming muggers out there: When selecting a victim to rob, it’s probably a good idea to stay away from champion boxers.

Just ask two Chicago men who earlier this week attempted to rob Claire Quinn, an amateur fighter and Golden Gloves champion. The pair approached Quinn late Sunday night as she was walking through the city’s Bucktown section, punching her in the face and pushing her to the ground, according to an incident report. However, when they tried taking her belongings, she sprung into action, fighting them off and punching one of the men in the groin. The man, clearly in serious pain, hobbled away as his buddy helped him.

“They picked the wrong one,” says Quinn’s coach, Trinidad Garcia. “There’s not a right one, but they definitely picked one of the toughest women, in my opinion, in the city of Chicago. Claire had glasses on, and she looks like a librarian most of the time, but don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Source: https://blockclubchicago.org/2019/08/21/bucktown-muggers-picked-the-wrong-victim-a-female-golden-gloves-champion-a-man-hits-me-im-firing-back/
