Facebook and Instagram Looking to Halt the Spread of Vaccine Misinformation

Facebook and Instagram are doing their part to stop the spread of misinformation when it comes to vaccines, with a new educational pop-up window.

If a user searches for vaccine-related content, visits a page related to vaccines or taps on a hashtag related to vaccines, a pop-up window will appear.

The pop-up window will connect U.S. users to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and non-U.S. users will be connected to the World Health Organization.

The CDC sent praises to Facebook, which also owns Instagram, for helping to stop the misinformation from circulating.

Health experts feel the online anti-vaccination content is a major reason why fewer people are getting vaccinated.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/04/health/facebook-vaccine-education-bn/index.html
