75-year-old now oldest to give birth

She’s a first-time mom and now the oldest woman to ever give birth. 75-year-old Mangayamma Yaramati opted for IVF after a neighbor in her 50’s tried it successfully.

She and her husband were never able to conceive naturally. The Washington Post reports it was a source of guilt and she felt that others in India looked down upon her as if she had done something wrong.

The twins were delivered via c-section and all are reportedly doing fine. However, health experts have raised concerns about doctors allowing the woman to carry the babies to term.

Other outlets report her age to be 73 or 74. Either way, she still sets the record.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/09/06/this-year-old-woman-just-gave-birth-twins/
