‘Joker’ Backlash For Using Gary Glitter Music

Fans may be buying up tickets to see Joker , but the critics still have lots to say about the film.

On the heels of complaints that the movie glorifies violence and makes viewers feel empathy for a killer, a new controversy has emerged.

No spoiler here – There’s a two-minute scene where the titular character dances to convicted child sex offender Gary Glitter’s “Rock and Roll Part 2.”

Speaking to CNN , entertainment law attorney John Seay says there’s a good chance that Glitter is making money through royalties for the use of his music.

Source: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/j5yb5k/joker-used-a-song-by-convicted-pedophile-gary-glitter-rock-n-roll-part-2-dancing-stairs-scene
