CDC Identifies Two New Potentially Deadly Superbugs

A CDC report released Wednesday finds that two new “superbugs” that are resistant to antibiotics have killed twice as many people than previously reported. Overuse of antibiotics has caused some bacteria to become completely resistant.

CBS met a woman who had one of these superbugs called C. difficile, which she fought for three years. She was hooked up to feeding tubes and could barely walk and talk for three years after the bacteria caused colitis. C. difficile killed at least 12,800 Americans in 2017 alone.

There’s also a new superbug called Candida auris that is new to the CDC report. The report says there are five total superbugs that are concerning to public health.

Doctors are urging those with viruses like the common cold to not use antibiotics since they don’t work on viruses. Experts are hoping for new vaccines and other ways to prevent and treat these superbugs.

