Scientists Discover Alien Exoskeleton Planet that Evolves to Survive

The discovery of a planet that “should not exist” has cast a new light on the relationship between a sun and its planets.

The discovery of an alien exoskeleton planet that’s orbiting star HD 203949 has turned the scientific community upside-down because, based on previous research, it’s too close to the star to still be around. “Stellar analysis seems to suggest that the star is too evolved to still host a planet at such a short orbital distance, while from the exoplanet analysis we know that the planet is there,” says Vardan Adibekyan, co-author of a study that appears in Monday’s issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

Adibekyan says the discovery suggests a symbiotic relationship between some stars and their orbiting planets. “The solution to this scientific dilemma is hidden in the simple fact that stars and their planets not only form, but also evolve together,” he says. “In this particular case, the planet managed to avoid engulfment.”

