What Makes The Iowa Caucus Different From A Primary?

The first votes of the 2020 election will be cast tonight in the Iowa caucus. But the process is very different than the primary elections held in most states.

Instead of entering a private booth to cast their ballot, Iowa Democrats will gather in public meetings and stand in their candidate’s ‘designated area’, then try to convince other voters to join them.

After 30 minutes, the ‘votes’ are counted, and any candidate who doesn’t reach 15 percent is eliminated, and their supporters must find a new candidate to support.

Heading into the caucus, most polls have Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders in the lead, followed by Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren.

Source: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/481192-buttigieg-sanders-rise-in-final-poll-ahead-of-iowa-caucus
