Doctor Of Infectious Diseases Opens Up About What Scares Him The Most About Coronavirus

A doctor of Infectious Diseases wrote a Facebook post about what scares him the most about the Coronavirus.

Dr. Abdu Sharkawy says panic over the Coronavirus scares him more than the virus itself. Sharkawy then listed his biggest concerns which included people stockpiling food and toilet paper, theft of N95 masks from hospitals that are needed for healthcare personnel and overcrowded hospitals because of people wanting to get tested that probably don’t have Coronavirus but, “just wanna be sure.”

Sharkawy also has concern over the travel industry that will impact events like weddings, graduations and family reunions.

The possibility of a recession due to limited trade and the message we’re sending to children on how to react during a threat. Sharkawy urged his followers to practice patience and reason and avoid the “fight for yourself” attitude.

