Tiny Bright Spot Amid The Coronavirus Outbreak

Amid the loss of life and the economic devastation, there is one tiny bright spot during this coronavirus crisis.

With Italy on lockdown, the beauty of Venice’s normally polluted canals is returning. Rather than mud and floating trash, photos show crystal clear waters.

No boats and the lack of tourists have brought the wildlife back out, with swimming fish spotted as well as cormorants, egrets and other birds flying around.

Taking to the Facebook group “Venezia Pulita (Clean Venice),” user Monica La Rosa writes, “Stay at home – and nature thanks you.”

Source: https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/incidents/coronavirus-in-italy-venice-waters-running-clear-due-to-lack-of-tourists-amid-covid19-pandemic/news-story/5a12fe1cb83b9e0c207fc9645b23d291
