Dr Fauci Calls May 1st Target A ‘Bit’ Too Optimistic

While the White House has floated reopening parts of the US economy by May 1st, that target may be “a bit overly optimistic,” according to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Speaking to the Associated Press on Tuesday, the leading infectious disease expert admitted COVID-19 testing “that is efficient and that we can rely on” isn’t ready yet.

Rather than lifting social-distancing rules all at once, Fauci believes it could be done on a “rolling” basis over several weeks in different parts of the country.

However, doing so comes with a warning. “I’ll guarantee you, once you start pulling back there will be infections,” Fauci cautioned, adding, “It’s how you deal with the infectious that’s going to count.”

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/fauci-says-us-not-there-yet-on-reopening-economy-may-1-target-a-bit-too-optimistic
