Neighboring States Crack Down on Pennsylvania Alcohol Customers

When Pennsylvania officials shut down the state’s liquor stores last month as part of its coronavirus response, apparently residents didn’t stop drinking — they just starting driving to two neighboring states to buy booze.

“I can tell you, eight out of 10 sales have been to Pennsylvania residents,” says Steubenville, Ohio City Manager James Mavromatis. “I’ve seen the Pennsylvania cars in the parking lot. They’re not following their own stay-at-home procedures. Coming here to buy alcohol is not a reason to leave your residence.” Officials in West Virginia have also reported an influx of Pennsylvania customers at liquor stores.

Until now, that is. Both states have issued orders to liquor stores, telling them they can only sell alcohol to people with Ohio or West Virginia IDs.”Any other time, we’d love to have visitors from Pennsylvania, but right now this creates an unacceptable public health issue,” Ohio Governor Mike DeWine says.

