Swedish City Uses Chicken Manure To Stop Crowds From Gathering In The Park

As spring continues, more and more people are coming outdoors to enjoy the weather. Unfortunately, many municipalities are still trying to prevent the coronavirus outbreak from spreading further.

Instead of locking the gates or ticketing visitors, the city of Lund in Sweden had a better idea of how to keep crowds from gathering in the park: they dumped tons of chicken manure on the grounds.

Putting a positive spin on the move, Gustav Lundblad, the chairman of the local council’s environment committee noted, “We get the opportunity to fertilize the lawns, and at the same time it will stink and so it may not be so nice to sit and drink beer.”

In Scandinavia, Walpurgis Night would have been celebrated on Thursday. Potentially 30,000 people might have been in the park had officials in Lund not done anything.

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-swedish-city-lund-using-chicken-manure-to-deter-crowds-from-local-park/
