This is the Only Place in the US that’s Coronavirus-Free

As the number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. continue to rise every day, there’s one part of the country that has remained coronavirus-free throughout the pandemic — although it’s not part of the continental United States.

American Samoa, the Polynesian series of islands owned by the U.S., has yet to report a single case. Health officials say the success in staving off the virus has nothing to do with it being unconnected to a major continent as a number of other U.S. islands have reported outbreaks. However, for its success, Samoa has the measles to thank.

A measles outbreak in the territory forced the December closures of schools, churches and businesses, with a plan to reopen them in late March. However, when the coronavirus appeared in the U.S., the Samoan government simply extended their restrictions and banned all incoming flights. Not only have the actions left Samoa free of the coronavirus, but it’s also made it the only part of the U.S. that isn’t under a major disaster declaration.

