Reopening US Economy Too Soon Could Cause ‘Double-Dip’ Recession, Needless Deaths

Well here’s a case for not re-opening the US economy too soon: experts believe it could make matters worse on several fronts.

Economists originally predicted a short V or longer U shaped recovery from the coronavirus outbreak. But a race to get back to normal could cause a W shape, meaning we could have what’s called a double-dip recession.

If deaths start to spike, Yongseok Shin, an economist at Washington University in St. Louis, predicts, “People will then hunker down for fear of infection, and local governments will re-impose lockdowns, quashing any economic recovery we will have had to that point.”

According to the New York Times , National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci will caution Congress Tuesday that jumping the gun will bring about “needless suffering and death”.

