NY Governor Proposes Penalizing Companies that Don’t Rehire Employees

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has come up with a plan to help ensure U.S. companies will rehire furloughed workers once the coronavirus crisis is over.

The proposed “Americans First Law” would require businesses to bring back their former employees to qualify for federal bailout money. Cuomo says he came up with the idea because he fears companies will attempt to “boost their corporate profits” by hiring new employees at lower salaries.

“We’re not going to subsidize you to lay off workers,” Cuomo says. “If you can lay off workers, and you’re saving money by laying off workers, then you don’t need the American taxpayer to subsidize you.”

Source: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/amid-ongoing-covid-19-pandemic-governor-cuomo-announces-members-ny-congressional-delegation
