Biden among officials who sought Flynn ID

A declassified document released Wednesday by GOP US Sens. Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley show that 39 individuals had requested the ‘unmasking’ of former Trump national security adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

The list includes high-level Obama-era officials, including former FBI director James Comey, ex-National Intelligence Director James Clapper, former CIA director John Brennan and former Vice President Joe Biden, but it also includes requests from individuals who’s names have been redacted and even the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury along with the Treasury Department’s acting assistant secretary, acting deputy assistant secretary, under secretary, and acting under secretary.

Some individuals made more than one request. Then-US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power made seven of the 50 total requests that occurred during the presidential transition period.

A note reads, “Below is a list of recipients who may have received Lt. Gen. Flynn’s identity in response to a request processed between 8 November 2016 and 31 January 2017 to unmask an identity that had been generically referred to in an NSA foreign intelligence report.”

