Leaked CDC Reopening Rules Differ from White House’s

A list of recommended reopening rules prepared for White House officials last month has been leaked — and it turns out it’s more restrictive than the government has indicated.

The 63-page Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document, which was called a “draft” and shelved by White House officials on April 30th, offers step-by-step instructions that aim to “help Americans re-enter civic life,” according to a copy obtained by the Associated Press . The plan goes on to advise communities to ban nonessential travel until the final phase of reopening. That’s in stark contrast to the White House’s directive to “minimize” travel in Phase 1 and allow it in Phase 2.

While the CDC report offers detailed guidance on how to handle an expected coronavirus resurgence after reopening, the government’s account covers the topic in broader strokes. It simply says to “protect the most vulnerable” by adhering to “appropriate” policies. “Having more guidance on that earlier on might have been more reassuring to people,” says Columbia University disease expert Stephen Morse. “And it might have have prevented some cases.”
