Moms Tear Down Caution Tape to Let Kids Play on Quarantined Playground

A playground in Pasadena, Texas has been cordoned off again after two women removed the police tape that blocked it off to let their kids play.

Police learned of the coronavirus restriction violation on Tuesday, when a concerned resident notified them that children were frolicking on the playground, which had been shut down due COVID-19 concerns. When officers arrived, they found two mothers sitting on a bench, watching their kids play — and the yellow “caution” tape that had signified the playground’s closure wadded up in a garbage can. Although the women weren’t cited, they were forced to leave, a rep for the Pasadena Police Department says.

On Thursday morning, a city worker put new tape around the playground, plus some additional items: several signs that read, “STAY OFF playgrounds, exercise equipment, basketball courts, picnic tables, benches.”

