Texas Outlines Plan to Bring Back Sports Spectators

After the NFL on Friday announced that teams can begin reopening their facilities on Tuesday, Texas wasted no time in drawing up a plan to bring spectator sports back to the state.

“There’s no reason for the games not to begin and for the fans to be in the stands at some level,” says Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, who unveiled a plan that calls for re-introducing fans to sports events in limited numbers. He suggests allowing stadiums to allow 30 percent of their maximum capacity at first, limiting the number of games fans can attend. He also says stadium officials should require fans to wear protective masks, seat them in accordance with social distancing guidelines, install sanitizing stations and organize section-by-section exits after games.

If all goes well, Patrick says, the number of fans allowed at games can be increased over time. “I believe the fans will be respectful of what’s required of them because I believe the fans want to come to the game,” he says. “And we can do it safely.”

Source: https://www.fox4news.com/news/texas-lt-gov-outlines-plan-to-have-fans-in-the-stands-when-sports-leagues-start-play-again
