Florida Organization Willing to Hire Fired Cops

As many officers are being suspended or fired for their conduct, a Florida police organization is coming out to say they will rehire any officer that’s been suspended or fired and that’s not sitting well with many people across the country.

Over the weekend, the Brevard County chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police posted a Facebook message directed at the “Buffalo 57” and the “Atlanta 6” to let them know that they were hiring.

The same offer was made on Facebook to Minneapolis officers the next day and their President Bert Gamin says he stands by the posts whether people like it or not.

The Fraternal Order of Police is the largest organization of law enforcement officers with over 330,000 members.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/us/brevard-county-florida-police-union-misconduct-trnd/index.html
