Episode 89: A Show & Tell Puppet Show

In the first half of this episode of Show & Tell, it’s our version of a puppet show! First up, Blair Thomas, Artistic Director and Founder of the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival.The event takes over Chicago now through January 28. After that, we are joined by legendary puppeteer, Basil Twist, to talk about his long career of puppetry and his upcoming show, Book of Mountains & Seas. In the second half of the show, we look at a few other activities to round out your January. Ilesa Duncan, Executive & Producing Director of Pegasus Theatre, tells us all about the 37th Annual Young Playwrights Festival at the Chicago Dramatists. Finally, Jill Perez, Director of Programming for the Chicago Athletic Association, runs through their January calendar packed with happenings from a spirit-free speakeasy to a skate night. All of that, on today’s episode of Show & Tell. 

Blair Thomas,  Artistic Director and Founder of the Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival, runs through all of the exciting happenings of their sixth annual event, happening now through January 28th. Visit www.chicagopuppetfest.org. Follow the festival on Facebook, Instagram or Vimeo, hashtag #ChiPuppetFest. 

Legendary Puppeteer Basil Twist tells us all about his long career and his upcoming show, Book of Mountains and Seas. The show runs from January 26-28 at Studebaker Theater. Visit www.basiltwist.com

Ilesa Duncan, Executive and Producing Director of Pegasus Theatre, discusses the 37th Annual Young Playwrights Festival at Chicago Dramatists. The festival runs through January 27. For details, visit www.pegasustheatrechicago.org

Jill Perez, Director of Programming for the Chicago Athletic Association, runs down the January calendar! The rest of the month is packed with events, from a Spirit-free speakeasy to a fitness series and a skate night. 
