Former Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger Speaks at DNC.

Former Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger went on the offensive as a speaker on the final evening at the Democratic National Convention.

Opening with “I’ll bet you never thought you’d see me here,” Kinzinger noted that Democrats are as patriotic as Republicans. He went on to claim that the Republican Party is no longer conservative, alleging that Trump and his politics have weakened the party, calling Trump “a weak man pretending to be strong.” “True strength,” Kinzinger said “…lies in the protection of the vulnerable.”

Some of his comments only elicited tepid applause. He asked the crowd why he attended the DNC, responding that “We must put the community first.” “He asserted that Republicans belong here “because democracy knows no party.”

Republican Kinzinger broke with his party on impeaching former President Donald Trump in the wake of the January 6th attack on the Capitol.
