Migrant Children Left in Vans Overnight

NBC News has recieved emails between BCFS Health and Human Resources employees that allegedly reveal 37 migrant children were left in vans at the U.S. – Mexico border overnight during a botched attempt to reunite the children with their parents last summer. The children were between the ages 5 and 12. Some of the children were left in vans for 39 hours.

The processing center where the children arrived was already overwhelmed and returned the kids to their vans. While the regional director responsible for the children sent emails to tell officials that the children were arriving, ICE officials allegedly clocked out with a parking lot filled with children. There was reportedly no one there to greet the kids. The final child was reunited with their parents around 39 hours later.

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/botched-family-reunifications-left-migrant-children-waiting-vans-overnight-n1013336
