Texas Teen Being Held By Border Patrol Despite Being A U.S. Citizen

And 18-year-old Dallas teen has spent weeks being held by CBP and ICE for nearly a month, despite being a U.S. citizen.

18-year-old Francisco Galicia was detained by Border Patrol while traveling to a soccer practice with his 17-year-old brother Marlon, wan undocumented migrant who was born in Mexico. Even though Francisco was born in Dallas and showed officers his Texas state ID, both brothers were taken into custody.

Now Marlon has been was deported, while Francisco says he was kept in custody for three weeks before he was allowed to call his family. His mother says she showed officers his birth certificate and other documents but her son still hasn’t been released. He was transferred to ICE custody over the weekend.

Source: https://news.yahoo.com/border-patrol-kept-teenage-u-143441500.html
