Harvard Freshman Says He Was Deported Because Of His Friends’ Social Media Posts

An incoming Harvard freshman from Lebanon says he was detained and sent back to his home country over controversial social media posts – even though he wasn’t the one who made them.

17-year-old Ismail B. Ajjawi was scheduled to arrive at Harvard this week. But he was detained at a Boston airport for more than 8 hours while immigration officers questioned him and searched his laptop and phone.

Ajjawi says an officer “started screaming at me” about social media posts critical of the U.S. that were posted by people on his friends list. Even though Ajjawi says he had nothing to do with them and never posts about politics, his visa was canceled and he was sent home.

Harvard is currently negotiating with officials in the hopes of getting Ajjawi to campus in time for the fall semester.

Source: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/08/palestine-freshman-study-visa-harvard-immigration-revoked-deported.html
