Woman Takes In 97 Dogs To Protect Them From Hurricane Dorian

As we begin to survey the damage caused by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, we’re also learning about some “hurricane heroes” – like the woman who took in nearly 100 dogs to protect them from the storm.

A Nassau woman named Chella Phillips shared photos on Facebook of 97 stray dogs taking over her house while Dorian raged outside.

She said the pooches “poop and p**nonstop” but “at least they are respecting my bed and nobody has dared to jump in”. She kept them entertained by playing music and keeping the AC cranked.

Phillips runs an organization called “Voicless Dogs of Nassau” that has cared for over 1,000 dogs and is accepting donations from anyone who wants to help.

Source: https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/national/woman-in-bahamas-brings-97-dogs-into-home-to-protect-them-from-hurricane-dorian
