Woman Discovers Child she thought Died 29 Years Ago is Alive and Well

More than 29 years after a California woman was told her baby had died shortly after birth, she’s found her son alive and well.

Los Banos resident Tina Bejarano says she was 17 years old when she gave birth — and her mother refused to let her keep the child. “The next day, she comes back to tell me, ‘The baby died 15 minutes after it was born. It never made it. It was sick,'” Bejarno recalls.

Recently, Belarno received an email from a 29-year-old New Jersey man named Kristin. In it, he told her he’d taken a DNA test that showed she is his mother. It turns out Belarno’s mother had lied; her son was actually adopted five days after being born and was raised in Las Vegas. He’s now married with a child of his own. They’ve been talking regularly and plan to meet in November. “Looking at him just makes me want to cry,” she says.

Source: https://abc7.com/5618129/
