Elton John: Michael Jackson Mentally Ill and Disturbing To Be Around

Elton John has a lot to say about his contemporaries in his upcoming memoir, Me: Elton John , including his feelings about the late Michael Jackson.

John says he met the late King of Pop when he was around 14 and said that he was an adorable kid but could see a change in Jackson as he got older and more famous. “He started sequestering himself away from reality. God knows what was going on in his head and what drugs he was being pumped full of, but I saw him years later and the poor guy lost his marbles.”

John says in his new book that he was sympathetic towards Jackson, adding “I don’t mean that in a light-hearted way. He was genuinely mentally ill and a disturbing person to be around. It was incredibly sad.”

Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/elton-john-michael-jackson-disturbing-person_n_5da49163e4b06ddfc51e028d
