Tyler Perry Helps Couple With $14K in Hospital Bills

An Atlanta couple was aboard a Carnival Dream cruise when one of them, Stephen, became ill and was diagnosed with pancreatitis and diabetes.

They left the ship and went to a hospital in Progreso, Mexico.

Once Stephen started feeling better he was hit with a $14,000 medical bill.

The couple did not have health or travelers insurance.

His fiance, Tori, offered to pay half and then work out a payment when she got back to Atlanta.

That request was denied. The couple was barred from leaving the hospital. Nurses even locked the windows.

Tori took to social media to get the word out and the story was picked by Good Morning America.

Tyler Perry got wind of the story and offered to pay the bill. The hospital refused to accept his credit card so the money had to be wired.

They are still waiting for the wire transfer to go through. Tyler is also paying for the couple to fly back to Atlanta.

The State Department is also involved.
