Embarrassing Dad Becomes Toast of Twitter

Every time Courtney Payne visits her parents in Missouri, she finds her dad waiting for her at the Kansas City airport holding a sign. And now her dad and his signs have gone viral.

In a photo collage Payne posted on Twitter, her dad can be seen holding signs that say such things as “Miss Oregon,” “Kardashian” and “KC Welcomes Miranda Lambert.” In one pic, he’s fully decked out in an elf costume, holding a sign that reads, “Santa’s Naughty List — Courtney Payne.”

Payne’s tweet quickly amassed 28,000 likes and thousands of retweets. Among the comments, which all seem to be positive, is one that says, “You are lucky to have such a lovely (and reliable) dad.” Another user says, “KCI is such a weird airport. Thank your dad for making it the good kind of weird while he’s there.” While another person writes, “Can you ask your dad to adopt me? Because my dad sucks.”

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/travel/dads-elaborate-airport-signs
