Cryptocurrency Investors Want Dead Executive’s Body Exhumed

Customers of the Quadriga CX cryptocurrency trade company haven’t been able to access their $250 million into their own accounts and now want the body of dead founder and CEO Gerald W. Cotten exhumed to make sure he’s really dead and not hiding somewhere with their money.

Cotten was the only person that knew that passwords to the encrypted company when Quadriga announced his departure from the company January 4th of this year. His departure was due to his death a month earlier while traveling in India. The 30 year-old allegedly succumbed to Crohn’s disease.

Considering the company went offline the day after the announcement of Cotten’s death, leaving a collective $250 million in holding that no one could withdraw, users want his body exhumed to make sure he didn’t fake his death and run off with their money. One user had $70 million in one account alone.

