Times Square On New Year’s Eve Will Be ‘The Safest Place On Earth’ Says NYPD

New Year’s Eve revelers at the Crossroads Of The World should have no fear during Tuesday night’s celebrations; the NYPD says Times Square will be “the safest place on Earth”.

An estimated 1.5 million people will pack into the area to see the famed ball drop at midnight.

According to NYPD Counterterrorism Chief Martine Materasso, security will be “multilayered,” featuring metal detectors, bomb-sniffing dogs, drones and helicopters patrolling above, plus heavily armed police officers.

While there have been a string of anti-Semitic attacks recently in and nearby New York City, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea told “CBS This Morning” Monday that “there are no credible threats” made towards New Year’s Eve.

Source: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nypd-times-square-will-be-the-safest-place-on-earth-on-new-years-eve/2252819/
