Buttigieg Wins First Endorsement from Black Congressman

Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg just earned his first major endorsement from a black member of Congress.

Maryland Rep Anthony Brown told the Washington Post “I believe Buttigieg is the one to lead our nation and pick up the pieces and repair the damage of the last four years.”

The former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland, who has served in Congress since 2016 also praised Buttigieg for being “well-versed, studied and diligent” about the issues African-Americans face.

Buttigieg has struggled in the polls with black voters as he heads to South Carolina for the early primaries.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/pete-buttigieg-wins-first-endorsement-from-a-black-member-of-congress/2020/01/08/dc4de64e-3179-11ea-a053-dc6d944ba776_story.html
