Astronomers Discover Planet Where it Rains Metal

Astronomers have discovered a planet where it rains metal.

While that might sound like a headbanger’s dream world, the rain on extrasolar planet WASP-76b has nothing to do with music; it’s literally hot liquid iron, according to the science journal Nature . Researchers say the planet’s hot temperatures — which average around 3800 degrees in the daytime — vaporizes the iron, causing it to become part of the atmosphere just like water does on Earth.

“The observations show that iron vapor is abundant in the atmosphere of the hot day side of WASP-76b,” says astrophysicist Maria Rosa Zapatero Osorio. “A fraction of this iron is injected into the night side owing to the planet’s rotation and atmospheric winds. There, the iron encounters much cooler environments, condenses and rains down.”

