Dr Fauci Thanks NFL For Making Draft Virtual

Besides the players, one of the biggest stars to appear at Thursday night’s NFL draft was Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Appearing on video, the country’s top infectious disease expert praised the league for making the event virtual while the coronavirus pandemic rages across the planet.

“I want to commend those involved in these decisions to show that we can have something as important as that in a way that safeguards the life, the safety and the health of the American public by doing the kind of physical separations, doing things virtually, avoiding that kind of contact that puts you at risk,” said Fauci in his taped remarks.

Instead of taking place on stage in Las Vegas, commissioner Roger Goodell announced the draft picks from his basement.

Source: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/23/politics/anthony-fauci-nfl-draft/index.html
