NY Governor Has Strong Words Towards Reopen Protestors

Over this past weekend, protestors took to the streets in several parts of New York State, demanding the end of lockdown measures and stay-at-home orders.

Speaking about the demonstrations on Saturday, Governor Andrew Cuomo first said he understood “people’s frustration with the economy not being open,” before ripping into them with some harsher words.

“I’m not going to put dollar signs over human lives. I’m not going to do that. Not for my family and not for yours,” Cuomo admitted.

Then turning towards the “reckless” and “irresponsible” ones not wearing masks and engaging in social distancing, Cuomo added, “You don’t have a right to jeopardize my health. You want to jeopardize your health, God bless you. You have no right to jeopardize my health.”

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/cuomo-slams-protesters-not-wearing-masks-1501647
