Texas Bar Owner Arrested for Refusing to Close

A Texas bar owner is behind bars after she refused to shut down her business, which she then protected by surrounding the establishment with armed guards.

The unidentified owner of Big Daddy Zane’s, located in West Odessa, was taken into custody Tuesday after she failed to follow Governor Greg Abbott’s order to close, police say. When officers arrived, they found the bar surrounded by armed men in body armor, according to Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis. They were arrested, too. “This was not a protest of their second amendment rights,” Griffis says. “It was a show of force to ensure this lady could violate the governor’s order.”

According to Big Daddy Zane’s Facebook page, the armed guards were present to “help protect our rights as a small business owner to open and be able to feed our families.”

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8290869/Cops-arrest-Texas-bar-owner-six-armed-supporters-tries-reopen-establishment.html
